It's Thursday, so that means it's time to link up with Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop. Her topic this week is books that inspire you. I am an avid reader and definitely got my love of books from my parents. My mom saved a lot of my books from when I was a kid, so I was lucky enough to share them with my children, and now with you!
What was your favorite book when you were a kid? I'd love to hear from you!
We are Angela & Stephanie; two Southern California sisters with a deep love (our families say obsession) of all things fabric and sewing. Beautiful fabric makes us downright giddy! We love to create new and interesting items that are both gorgeous and functional.
We believe in supporting our small, independent fabric shops and craft suppliers. We are deeply committed to superb craftsmanship and top-quality products. We can't wait to share all of our fun ideas with you!
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